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FILMINK | SF3 And The iPhonetics Of A Misplaced Director

IF | James Demitri’s iPhone feature ‘Misplaced’ finds a home on the festival circuit



"First, the performances of the cast were completely rock solid from all concerned…Taylor Buoro steals the show in the role of Anna, a wonderfully warm and brash maid who’s sole objective in life is to move to Australia. With Elle as a potential sponsor in Anna’s mind, she’s researched visa requirements and made a scrapbook of our country."

Abbie Gallagher, Theatre Travels

"As the play moves forward, the character of Anna comes to the fore as a charming but essential commentary on immigration. In a stand out performance by Taylor Buoro, immigration is demystified and our refusals questioned as the stereotype is upended and we are drawn close to a woman who wants to live in another beautiful country. Gifted a writer of Italian descent Taylor Buoro takes full advantage of her well written role and gifts us a heart warming and lovely performance of this delightful character."

Lisa Thatcher Theatre Review

"Taylor Buoro, as Anna, does a brilliant job of making her character warm and filled with energy, without becoming a stereotype."


Vanessa Cruise, Stage Whispers

"In the quiet moments where Anna welcomes Elle to her home away from home with homemade food and neighbourhood gossip, there is charm and grace and comfort. Buoro, even when pushing her love of Australia into conversation or banging pots around the kitchen to ward off evil spirits, she is elegant and warm, filling the kitchen (and the stage) with a bright spiritedness."


Night Writes Sydney

"Taylor Buoro is a delightful, bubbly Anna, capturing her character's zest for life and food perfectly."

Emma Caldwell - Emma Jane Explores, Weekend Notes

"We then meet Anna (Taylor Buoro) the farm’s neighbour.  She might have an agenda but is all open-hearted friendliness and Buoro has a way of listening to the others argue which exudes compassion."


Reviews by Judith

"The counterbalance in the story is Anna (Taylor Buoro). Forever smiling and hospitable, she provides good humour in her quest to emigrate to Australia. She sees Elle as her ‘sponsor’ opportunity and ingratiates herself to Elle…The cast are young, eager and convincing in their roles."


Paul Keily, Absolute Theatre

"The pulse beats across all the well chosen cast from the ever smiling Taylor Buoro seeking an Australian visa as Anna..."


Rebecca Varidel, Scoop

"By selecting the perfect cast, director Julie Baz has easily captured the exuberance and vitality of each character, nurturing and developing the delicious performances delivered by all."


Lynn Belvedere, Sydney Arts Guide

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